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The story behind Run Your City

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

I've found immense passion, growth, and fulfillment through the sport of running. It is such a special sport, requiring little to succeed - a pair of running shoes and passion goes a long way. Growing up in Chicago, I witnessed the barriers that prevented kids from partaking in sports. I believe that every kid deserves the opportunity to be introduced to sports. Period.

Maddie Rennyson and I instantly formed a special bond as freshman teammates on the UVA track team. She came to me with the idea of a running organization, and we took it to the community, molding it into a program that fit Charlottesville's needs. Many iterations later - with the help of countless friends, community mentors, and supporters - we built Run Charlottesville. Over the past three seasons, our community has expanded to include over 300 kids and 70+, and this growth has been contagious. Erin Saunders of James Madison University called us after hearing about her nephew’s participation in Run Charlottesville. She envisions our program reaching the surrounding community of Harrisonburg.

The potential for expansion to any Division I school across the country is endless. We have launched Run Your City, an expansion on Run Charlottesville, with hopes of fostering this introduction to sports beyond Charlottesville. Run Your City provides an opportunity for every college athlete, who has found profound growth and fulfillment in their athletic career, to give back to their surrounding community.

Everyday, the thought of just one more kid joining our organization, building a healthier lifestyle, and a stronger sense of self keeps me going. Thank you for joining us on this journey - it takes a community to realize our potential.


Mary Blankemeier

Run Your City Founder

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